Friday, January 13, 2012

Transition, Post 2

Tonight we headed out in the snow to Jake's staff Christmas party. We had some great conversations and I got to know some of his coworkers and their spouses a little better. It made me think of all of those big transitions in my life (college, first job, living alone, marriage) and how apprehensive I was at the start of each stage. But each time I meet a slew of new people who are caring and compassionate toward me. Now I know that those changes don't have to be as scary as they once were. I'm always taken care of by those new friends/coworkers/neighbors in my life. Isn't that nice to know?


  1. love, love, love knowing you and being a part of some of those milestones in your life!!!

  2. You're one of the ones I'm talking about! :)
