Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bleach is Alive!!!

Good Gravy, I've had a fabulous weekend. So fabulous, in fact, that I didn't even have time to post something yesterday, or earlier today. What would cause me to say the word "fabulous" three times in as many sentences? Bleach. Bleach is back. What the heck is Bleach? Bleach is a christian rock band that Miss Tessie and I fell in love with way back in my early high school years. They broke up the end of my senior year of high school. Fast forward seven years....and they are currently back together to do a little recording and a short four states tour with two stops within driving distance.
Bleach holds a very special place in my heart. I first heard of them when Pastor Art held a mission retreat and Bleach played a show there. This was a time when my spiritual life was rapidly growing, and I've always associated them with it. Here were five super cool guys who were in a band...AND they're talking about how important God is in their lives. It was exactly what an impressionable high schooler needed. There was definitely a reason they have been a part of the music aspect of my life.
Anyway, I can most definitely say that not much has changed with their live show in seven years....except they may be a little more tired when it's over. :)
You'll be hearing much more about the two (yes, I said two) shows that we attended this weekend. Here's a little sneak peak from the concert at The 86 Club on Friday.

Tessie, Davy from Bleach, and I

"Sun Stands Still" from the Friday concert (notice Jake rocking out)

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