Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dear Uke

Dear Uke,
Sorry that the only thing I've played on you for the past two weeks continually has been  "La Cucaracha" during my Spanish classes. You've been a good sport, playing a Latin American folk song instead of something from your native Hawaii.  I promise after school is out I'll bust out something cool, like my "Beatles for Ukulele" book. Hopefully you'll get more street cred that way when you talk to the other ukes in the area. Another thing, I'll try to start remembering chord names instead of just memorizing where my fingers go during songs. Maybe that's the reason I only know two songs at the moment...
Anyway, you've made me feel like a rockstar this week when my students were impressed I play an instrument, and I am oh so grateful.

Here uke is, sharing the spotlight with Dad's guitar


  1. You have to know - you inspired Isabel to buy a uke with her First Communion money (her grandma filled me in). So the dear Uke is truly inspirational :)

  2. Ah! I didn't know that. I'll have to talk to Isabel about it. :)

  3. This post made me laugh! Ben plays the Banjo... so you'll have to get together and make some rad hawaiian bluegrass melodies! hilarious! :)
