Monday, May 9, 2011

Everything?! Really?

This is my newest (huge) read to tackle. Miss Blair gave me this cookbook for my birthday. She's quite the cook (she did introduce Jake and I to quinoa, which we're mildly obsessed with at the moment), so I very much trust her that this is worth the intimidating thickness. It begins by telling you some basics to cooking in general. For example, some staples to keep in your kitchen so that you can whip up just about anything without going to the store for ingredients. That's the info that I need. I'm kind of new at this whole Mom-not-cooking-for-me thing, so you better start from square one, thank you very much.
I made a sauce for pasta tonight, which went very well. I'm going to try my hand at a far more complicated recipe this weekend, which I'll divulge if I actually go through with it...

If I find any more winners I'll make sure to share!


  1. Definitely share - some of us still haven't figured out this cooking for 1 or 2 thing! :)

  2. Jen is obsessed with quinoa as well. It has sort of tapered off a bit in the last few weeks, but a couple of months ago, it was like we were having it with every meal, haha.
