Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hanover Visit

Jake and I met Bugs today at Hanover to visit with Miss Tessie before she graduates in a few weeks. We headed to The Downtowner for lunch (it's a favorite of HC students) and then visited with Chuck, Shelly, and Miss Ashton (who is getting SO big!).
We even stopped by the library to visit our IS's which are on file and looked at Mom's, which was done on a typewriter. Mad props to Mom for typing out a 70-page paper with few errors!
We rounded out the day with a visit to The Point for some frame-worthy pictures. Thanks to Miss Tessie for hosting the 'ol Hanover Alums for an afternoon!

                                         Miss Ashton shows her old babysitter how big she is

Mom and my IS from the library

 Some shots from The Point. We don't look like old alumni, do we?


  1. My IS isn't on file because I didn't have to write a paper!

  2. I love those pictures!!! the jumping one of you and Jake is awesome! great way to get some use out of your camera!! You're photography grade: A+++

  3. YES!!! I have a big photo opportunity next weekend that I need your expertise on, by the way...

  4. Your IS isn't on file, Jake, because you didn't even go to Hanover.

  5. Sorry, Jamesus, we were only there a few hours and didn't think it would be worth it for you.
